
Question 1 - How to insert Picture

Insert a picture or clip art

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Pictures and clip art can be inserted or copied into a document from many different sources, including downloaded from a clip art Web site provider, copied from a Web page, or inserted from a file where you save pictures.
You can also change how a picture or clip art is positioned with text within a document.
 TIP   To insert a picture from your scanner or camera, use the scanner or camera software to transfer the picture to your computer. Save the picture, and then insert it by following the instructions for inserting a picture from a file.
What do you want to do?

Insert clip art

  1. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Clip Art.
Word Ribbon Image
  1. In the Clip Art task pane, in the Search for text box, type a word or phrase that describes the clip art that you want, or type in all or some of the file name of the clip art.
  2. To narrow your search, do one or both of the following:
    • To limit the search results to a specific collection of clip art, in the Search in box, click the arrow and select the collection you want to search.
    • To limit the search results to clip art, click the arrow in the Results should be box and select the check box next to Clip Art.
In the Clip Art task pane, you can also search for photographs, movies, and sounds. To include any of those media types, select the check boxes next to them.
  1. Click Go.
  2. In the list of results, click the clip art to insert it.

Insert a picture from a Web page

  1. Open the Microsoft Office Word 2007 document.
  2. From the Web page, drag the picture that you want into the Word document.
Make sure the picture that you choose is not a link to another Web page. If you drag a picture that is linked, it will be inserted in your document as a link instead of an image.

Insert a linked picture from a Web page

  1. Open the Word document.
  2. On the Web page, right-click the picture you want, and then click Copy.
  3. In the Word document, right-click where you want to insert the picture, and then click Paste.

Insert a picture from a file

  1. Click where you want to insert the picture.
  2. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Picture.
Word Ribbon Image
  1. Locate the picture that you want to insert.
  2. Double-click the picture that you want to insert.
 NOTE   By default, Microsoft Office Word embeds pictures in a document. You can reduce the size of a file bylinking to a picture. In the Insert Picture dialog box, click the arrow next to Insert, and then click Link to File.

Change an inline picture to a floating picture, and vice versa

An inline picture keeps its position relative to the text. A floating picture keeps its position relative to the page, and floats in that position as text flows around it.
For example, if you choose to position the picture halfway down on the left side of the page with text wrapping, and then you add two paragraphs at the top of the page, the picture will stay exactly where you placed it — halfway down on the left side of the page.
To make sure that the picture stays with text that references it — for example, a description above the picture, position the picture as an inline picture. If you add two paragraphs above the description, the picture will move down the page along with the description.
  1. If the picture is not on a drawing canvas, select the picture. If the picture is on a drawing canvas, select the canvas.
  2. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Position.
Word Ribbon Image
If you don't see Position, click Arrange, and then click Position.
  1. Do one of the following:
    • To change an inline picture to a floating picture, select the page position that you want.
    • To change a floating picture to an inline picture, select In Line with Text.

Question 2 - How to insert Bullet and Numbering

Add bullets or numbers to a list
Keywords    bullet points; bullets; buttons; dots; icons; list; list bullets; symbol
You can quickly add bullets or numbers to existing lines of text, or Word can automatically create lists as you type.
By default, if you start a paragraph with an asterisk or a number 1., Word recognizes that you are trying to start a bulleted or numbered list. If you don't want your text turned into a list, you can click the AutoCorrect Optionsbutton  that appears.
In this article
Lists: One level or many levels
Make a list with just one level, or make a multilevel list to show lists within a list.
When you create a bulleted or numbered list, you can do any of the following:
· Use the convenient Bullet and Numbering libraries    Use the default bullet and numbering formats for lists, customize the lists, or select other formats from the Bullet and Numbering libraries.
· Format bullets or numbers    Format bullets or numbers differently from the text in a list. For example, click a number and change the number color for the entire list, without making changes to the text in the list.
· Use pictures or symbols     Create a picture bulleted list to add visual interest to a document or a Web page.
Create a one-level bulleted or numbered list
Word can automatically create bulleted and numbered lists as you type, or you can quickly add bullets or numbers to existing lines of text.
Type a bulleted or numbered list
1. Type * (asterisk) to start a bulleted list or 1. to start a numbered list, and then press SPACEBAR or the TAB key.
2. Type any text that you want.
3. Press ENTER to add the next list item.
Word automatically inserts the next bullet or number.
4. To finish the list, press ENTER twice, or press BACKSPACE to delete the last bullet or number in the list.
If bullets and numbering do not begin automatically
1. Click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click Word Options.
2. Click Proofing.
3. Click AutoCorrect Options, and then click the AutoFormat As You Type tab.
4. Under Apply as you type, select the Automatic bulleted lists check box and the Automatic numbered lists check box.
Add bullets or numbering to a list
1. Select the items that you want to add bullets or numbering to.
2. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Bullets or Numbering.
· You can find different bullet styles and numbering formats by clicking the arrow next to Bullets or Numberingon the Home tab, in the Paragraph group.
· You can move an entire list to the left or the right. Click a bullet or number in the list, and drag it to a new location. The entire list moves as you drag. The numbering levels do not change.
Spread out the items in a list
You can increase the space between the lines in all of your lists by clearing a check box.
1. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click the arrow next to Styles, and then right-click the List Paragraph style.
2. Click Modify.
3. In the Modify Style dialog box, click Format, and then click Paragraph.
4. Clear the Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style check box.
Turn a one-level list into a multilevel list
You can turn an existing list into a multilevel list by changing the hierarchical level of items in the list.
1. Click any item that you want to move to a different level.
2. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the arrow next to Bullets or Numbering, click Change List Level, and then click the level that you want.
Choose a multilevel list style from the gallery
You can apply a gallery style to any multilevel list.
1. Click an item in the list.
2. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the arrow next to Multilevel List.
3. Click the multilevel list style that you want.

Question 3 - How to insert Symbol

How to Insert Special Characters and Symbols in Word 2010
Word 2010 lets you sprinkle characters beyond the keyboard's 26 letters of the alphabet, numbers, a smattering of symbols, and punctuation thingies. For example, Word provides foreign language letters and symbols — all sorts of fun stuff. You can insert a special character or symbol in your document in a couple of ways:
· The Symbol menu: Click the Symbol command button in the Symbol group on the Insert tab. A list of some popular or recently used symbols appears. Selecting a symbol from the menu inserts the special symbol directly into your text (where you currently have the insertion pointer), just like you insert any other character.
· The Symbol dialog box: Choosing More Symbols from the Symbol menu displays the Symbol dialog box. Choose a decorative font, such as Wingdings, from the Font menu to see strange and unusual characters. To see the gamut of what's possible with normal text, select (Normal Text) from the Font drop-down list. Use the Subset drop-down list to see even more symbols and such.
To stick a character into your document from the Symbol dialog box, select the symbol and click the Insert button. Click the Cancel button when you're done using the Symbol dialog box.
· The symbol's code: You can insert symbols by typing the symbol’s code and then pressing the Alt+X key combination. For example, the code for the sigma character is 2211: Type 2211 in your document and then press Alt+X. The number 2211 is magically transformed into the sigma character. A quick Web search will produce a resource with a list of symbols and their corresponding codes.

Conclusion ; i have learn to made a text , insert a picture and make some table in this Microsoft Word

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